As the temperatures in Boston yesterday escalated toward the 90s, I biked over to my Minton Stable Garden plot in the early afternoon to see if any seedlings were poking through the soil. At first glance, nothing. Then I crouched down for a closer inspection and there, in between the small rocks and stray blades of salt hay and leaves I found them--My lettuce (above) and spinach (below) I had planted on March 28. I photographed them with the same camera I haven't gotten around to replacing (I have been making good use of the crop feature in my photo application to hide the fuzzy left side of my images).

And there were the plants that had decided to sow themselves. I had always wanted to grow raspberries, so I kept a few of the volunteers that blew into my plot last year. And those have multiplied tenfold and spread across my plot. Almost as pesky as
bindweed, though not as threatening. I'd love to keep them, but they have entered my perennial section and also taking the space reserved for my pole beans. Anyone want to start their own raspberry beds? I have plenty here just for the digging.
I took free raspberries from your neighbor across the street--two or three plants---and put them next to my perennial bed, which was asparagus and rhubarb. Raspberries took over and I finally started a new asparagus bed. Meanwhile, however, I started moving plants to their own rows away from the rest of the garden--two rows, each about 50 feet long. Best crop I had last year, with Heritage raspberries giving me both a spring and a fall crop, which lasted past a couple of frost dates. But I still cannot get them out of the old asparagus and rhubarb bed.
I find raspberries a real weed around here too. They really do like to spread everywhere.
I looked at my garden yesterday. The self sown cilantro is starting to come up as is the dill.
Oh I wish I were there for that spectacular early blooming weather! Did you see Lydia's lettuce seedlings? She was very excited Saturday and I was trying to explain the concept of thinning by eating.
Bryan: I wish I had the space to keep my raspberries separated as well. Maybe you can dig up extra raspberry plants and give them out with each library plant sale purchase or other donation (though that might lose you some donors down the road).
Daphne: Cilantro and dill! I tried growing them indoors this winter (as you might recall), without success. The irony!
Stephen: The peas are coming up too...between my lettuces at the MSG and home and her lettuce at home there will be lots of thinning by eating.
The first sprouts, that is exciting!
neat you can bike over! I've hoofed it down to the garden in my town. Love to have a destination. Funny how the raspberries just blew in. Must be a friendly fruit looking to make new friends ...
Giulietta the Muse
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