Yesterday was the deadline to put our Minton Stable Garden plots to bed. In the freezing rain, a few drooping perennials appeared to be the only plant life extant. The patchwork of mostly barren plots served as evidence that gardeners heeded the warnings from the half dozen emails sent out by the Steering Committee this fall--if you don't clear your plots by the 30th, there's a waiting list of wannabe gardeners eager to take over for you.

Gone were the deadbeats of previous years. I confess to have been among the guilty, leaving the skeletons of sunflowers and hollyhocks drooping into other plots and tomatoes rotting in their rings. I was putting my plot and others at risk of attracting diseases and pests. The procedures and rationale for putting a garden to bed can be found
Most people appeared to have pulled out their plants and dug up the soil. A few people covered their plots with salt hay. I wondered where they were able to procure this
useful material that I had searched for earlier this season. In any case, it blows my mind to think that just two months before, you couldn't walk through these plots without becoming tangled in greenery.
Not much living in my garden either, the brussels sprouts still looking very good though.
Just remember April is 4 months away if you don't count Dec. :-)
How's the cold frame going, Dan? That's a project I look forward to reading more about, in your blog.
Unfortunately I think I built the cold frame way to late as it has been hold at about 0c(32f). I have some lettuce seed that I will plant but I am not holding out much hope. I think when March rolls around and the sun is stronger it should work much better.
I live in the hood and just discovered your blog. Very cool.
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